Tuesday 25 February 2014

Slow Progress

So last week I was really bad and did not study for three days, and it is surprising how much you can forget in such a short space of time. The reasons why I did not study was tiredness, and also feeling a little disheartened because my grammar was becoming really awful. However, I must have spent over 3 hours the other day creating an Anki deck focusing entirely on grammar and practicing sentence structures. I am pretty annoyed at the lack of examples of how to use certain phrases in the textbook. For example まで and how to use it in a sentence...there was only one example but it has three different meanings :S My friend Joe says that once we both get a job that it would be a good idea to get Japanese lessons from a teacher and I think that it would help me if I have someone to correct me. I am now back into the swing of studying again, Chapter 6 is taking a hell of a long time but it should be completed by the end of this week. The picture is of a wood carving I found in the woods near where I live. I think it is is a badger or a mole? The red scarf really reminded me of the kitsune statues you find at shrines with red bibs.

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