Wednesday 12 February 2014

Chapter 5 is completed!

Completed chapter 5 today, Im going to start Chapter 6 tomorrow. Im now exactly halfway through the book! HOORAY!!! To celebrate, here is a short piece in Japanese, practicing some of the grammar and vocabulary I have learned.


What this should say is something along the lines of - Yesterday, I got up at 11am. It was a cold morning so that is why I did not go out. I ate breakfast with my sister. After that, I watched a scary film. It was good. My favourite film is spirited away. At 7:30pm I ate dinner. The chicken soup was delicious. Right now, it is Thursday. It is 1am. Let's go to sleep! 

UPDATE: My friend Taishi checked over this and has corrected it to this - 

昨日は午前11時におきました。と言いますのは、寒い朝でし たので、外出しなかったんです。姉と朝食を食べた後、怖い映画を見ました。その映画は良かったです。私のお気に入りの映画は「千と千尋の神隠し」です。午 後7時30分に夕食を食べました。チキンスープはおいしかったです。今木曜日の午前1時です。さあ、寝ましょ

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