Friday 9 May 2014

Almost finished Chapter 8

I have finished all the learning points for Chapter 8 now. I am getting there slowly but surely, and now all I need to do is make yet more flashcards and complete some question exercises. I have just finished practicing the Kanji for this Chapter and my head hurts. For some odd reason, whenever I finish a particularly challenging piece of work my brain seems to swim with information, its like I can feel the hiragana readings just spinning around :S Since it is the end of Chapter 8, you can expect another Japanese writing piece in the next few days. *hooray* The picture to the left demonstrates how I usually practice Kanji, some people prefer to use the Heisig method and learn the meaning, the readings and the way the Kanji is written separately, but I am happy enough just learning all of them in one go. Total number of Kanji learned: 86. How many more to learn: 2414!!


  1. Hey! Nice blog Eleanor, I´m Miguel ;) I´ve just created a blog like this one too (and googling I found yours :3) I´ve posted just one or two times (I have another blog but that one is not about learning japanese), I decided to create it just days ago even when I started studying japanese some months ago... well I started that method/book known as "Remembering the Kanji", 800 kanji I´ve "learned" until now (but as you should know I still don´t know the reading, all that stuff is in the second book), but as soon as I finish this book, I´ll start using Genki, I´ll order the books next month or so; well that has been so much innecesary things about me, my best wishes to your studies, I hope to keep posting in my blog as you do in yours, I´m from Mexico, 19 years old:3 Greetings!! (sorry if I wrote something wrong, obviously I´m not a native english speaker jeje)

    My blog:

    1. Hey Miguel, Thank you for your lovely comment ^^ You know 800 kanji! wow!! I still only know 100 but I am learning the Kanji with their readings. I have the book "Remembering the Kanji" too but I have not used it yet. I've heard it is very helpful but the Genki book had a helpful section which has been okay for me so far. I will definitely check out your blog :) Your English is amazingly good so don't worry about it! Good luck with your studies too :D
