Friday 9 May 2014

Almost finished Chapter 8

I have finished all the learning points for Chapter 8 now. I am getting there slowly but surely, and now all I need to do is make yet more flashcards and complete some question exercises. I have just finished practicing the Kanji for this Chapter and my head hurts. For some odd reason, whenever I finish a particularly challenging piece of work my brain seems to swim with information, its like I can feel the hiragana readings just spinning around :S Since it is the end of Chapter 8, you can expect another Japanese writing piece in the next few days. *hooray* The picture to the left demonstrates how I usually practice Kanji, some people prefer to use the Heisig method and learn the meaning, the readings and the way the Kanji is written separately, but I am happy enough just learning all of them in one go. Total number of Kanji learned: 86. How many more to learn: 2414!!